Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The first time I watched a presentation created on Prezi, I was very impressed. It was not boring, and it kept me interested. I would recommend this website to my students to create 'WOW' presentations. You can join the website for free, and start creating amazing presentations. You are also to able to purchase licensing so that you can have more space, secure your presentations, and use your own logo (I suppose this would be good for businesses). will take you through a step by step tutorial to start creating your presentation and to share it. Personally, the only downfall I have with using Prezi, is that I get motion sickness very easily. I wouldn't recommend this site for those who get motion sickness. I have yet to create a presentation on Prezi, but I look forward to the next opportunity I will get. gets 3 books out of 5. 


  1. It would be very interesting to see what kids would come up with using Prezi. Difficult to master (IMHO) but some users will shine and show their talent as visual organizers.

  2. Actually your blog background is getting me kind of queasy as I scroll down the page. LOL
